Females are Really complicated.
Some amazing Psychological facts about Girly Hormones.
Women really are stronger than men, according to study
New research suggests the female advantage in
life expectancy has fundamental biological roots
Women really are the stronger sex.
No doubt many of you will have long suspected this is the case, and now you have fresh scientific findings to back up your suspicions.
A recent academic study has shown that under extreme conditions such as famines, epidemics, and enslavement, women are able to survive for longer than men.
1. According to a study done by the neurobiologists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel found that the smell of women’s tears will reduce men’s sexual arousal and testosterone levels. Source
No doubt many of you will have long suspected this is the case, and now you have fresh scientific findings to back up your suspicions.
A recent academic study has shown that under extreme conditions such as famines, epidemics, and enslavement, women are able to survive for longer than men.
1. According to a study done by the neurobiologists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel found that the smell of women’s tears will reduce men’s sexual arousal and testosterone levels. Source
2. hugs can aid women's hearts........ A study
done by the University of North Carolina found that hugging for 20 seconds releases
Oxytocin, a “bonding” hormone, and reduced blood pressure, which cuts the risk
of heart disease. Greater partner support is linked to higher oxytocin levels
for both men and women. Source
3. Breastfeeding releases the hormone oxytocin,
which helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may reduce uterine
bleeding after birth. Breastfeeding also lowers the risk of breast and ovarian
cancer. Source
4. Testosterone can cross the blood-brain
barrier and be converted to estrogen, but estrogen alone cannot cross. As a
result, men have more “estrogen on the brain” than women. Source
5. Women’s nervous system takes a bit longer to “settle down” and return to normal than it does in men. This means is that as an argument winds down, a man will start feeling calmer relatively quickly, while a woman’s body remains in an agitated state even after the apparent resolution of the argument. Because everyone’s brain takes cues from the body, her brain realizes it’s still angry. So it starts casting about for other things to be angry about. Bam: Suddenly the argument flares up again, about a new subject. Source
5. Women’s nervous system takes a bit longer to “settle down” and return to normal than it does in men. This means is that as an argument winds down, a man will start feeling calmer relatively quickly, while a woman’s body remains in an agitated state even after the apparent resolution of the argument. Because everyone’s brain takes cues from the body, her brain realizes it’s still angry. So it starts casting about for other things to be angry about. Bam: Suddenly the argument flares up again, about a new subject. Source
Wait for my next blog: - STRONGER THAN MAN...
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Girls do believe in Yourself.
Credit:- ISHA
Image Source:- Google