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What girls expect from their BF...

What does a girl expect from her Boyfriend?❤️ The wants for a girl may vary depending on the person, but  every girl   does expect to be treated with respect, and for their boyfriend to be honest and loyal. If a girl really loves you, she'll never expect you to buy the most costly products. All she needs is just your  priceless love, time and care. When you talk to her about your female best friend , she expects you to shut your mouth. Initially, she would listen up to some extent, after that she'd lose control.💜 She expects you to give compliments when she wears your favorite red-colored top. She'll try to show off in every possible way to make you look at her.🧡 She expects you to hold her hand while crossing the road. It shows that you care for her. To walk with fingers intertwined.💙 She expects you to say  “No, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be with you no matter what”  when she says  “Go away”   during a fight. She expects yo...

Amazing Psychological female Hormonal Facts.

Females are Really complicated. Some amazing Psychological facts about Girly Hormones. Women really are stronger than men, according to study New research suggests the female advantage in life expectancy has fundamental biological roots Women really are the stronger sex. No doubt many of you will have long suspected this is the case, and now you have fresh scientific findings to back up your suspicions. A recent academic study has shown that under extreme conditions such as famines, epidemics, and enslavement, women are able to survive for longer than men. 1. According to a study done by the neurobiologists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel found that the smell of women’s tears will reduce men’s sexual arousal and testosterone levels.  Source After playing a sad movie scene for a group of women, researchers collected their tears and placed the unidentified fluid under men's noses. The result was a reduced sexual arousal and testosterone level. ...

Do Girls Stalk??

Do Girls Stalk?? Obviously, they do and they do it even better than men!! Absolutely,  and  they are very good at it. Women are undercover surveillance experts :), they are so good at it that most of us men never even realize we are being stalked. Women have two tools at their disposal which men don’t have.  Women often will look at a prospective man’s FB page and other places where he might be online, follow what he does, survey him, size him up. Most of the time, this is harmless, normal and healthy. N o.1  is that girls have more solidarity than men  when it comes to finding out about the opposite sex . They can make inquiries about you and a pretty good chance you will not find out. No. 2  They are discreet about everything they do. Women’s peripheral vision is much better than men, they can be looking straight at their friend and fully watching you out of the corner of their eye. They are taking note of your inte...

Rules Of The ‘Sis Code’ for Girls and their Squad ...

  Rules Of The ‘Sis Code’ for Girls and their Squad ... SIS Codes Sisters Before Misters!! Yes, there is a  SisCode , who better than me to know that! This is the rule book I managed to sit and write after scribbling and tearing many pages. You should have a reserve store of  chocolates and ice cream  to relieve her pain during her periods or when she is sad. Never  leave  her alone during her time of the month. Always  compliment  her new hairstyle and clothes. Tell her that you to  love her , after you make up,  always. You can also tell her she looks like  shit!  Be prepared to be hit with books though. You don't say no when your best friend invites you to  shop . It is never a choice. It is always a yes. Join her always!!! You must have her  back  always, even if it is a crazy weird thing. You should always lift her call or call  immediately  if you m...